1X2 prediction The coefficient of 37. 00 was given on Atletico with a score of 0:1 in the match with Bayer. Madrid held half the meeting in the minority and scored a victorious ball on the 90th

1X2 soccer prediction blog

1X2 prediction Atletico beat Bayer (2:1) in the 7th round of the general stage of the Champions League.
The Madrid club remained in the minority in the 23rd minute due to the removal of Pablo Barrios and missed Bayer at the end of the first half. After the break, the coefficient of Atletico`s victory sank to 37. 00.
The Madrid club won a strong-willed victory thanks to the duga of Hulian Alvareza-it distinguished himself in the 52nd and 90th minutes.
Bayer completed the match via partners of 1x2 predictions tenor after the removal of Pierrot Khinkap in the 76th minute.
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87% - that the European Cup will take a club from England. Similar last season did not come true
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